Should You Judge This Book by Its Cover? 100 Fresh takes on familiar sayings and quotations (Granta, 2009)
The aim of this book is to make proverbs and other familiar sayings speak their wisdom afresh, and to clear away some of the mistaken ideas they can give rise to. This is a book to argue and converse with. It is not a reference book, manual or a self-help guide. It exists simply to fuel the thinking of those who think for themselves.
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How to avoid making, and being taken in by, bad arguments and rhetoric
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Why complaint matters, and what it is
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An attempt to understand the dominant values and beliefs of the English today, by looking at the facts and also living in a typical "everytown".
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100 thought-provoking philosophical conundrums. Translated into 14 languages.
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At last, the answer!
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Exactly what it says on the cover.
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Title: debatable; subtitle: descriptive.
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An introductory textbook to books by Aristotle, Descartes, Hume, Russell and Sartre.
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An introduction to theory of knowledge, ethics, philosophy of religion, political philosophy and philosophy of mind.
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The Ethics Toolkit (Blackwell, 2007)
with Peter S Fosl
A compendium of ethical concepts and methods
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What More Philosophers Think (Continuum, 2007)
with Jeremy Stangroom
A second collection of interviews with leading philosophers from The Philosophers' maagzine
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Do You Think What You Think You Think? (Granta, 2006)
with Jeremy Stangroom
Tests and quizes to challenge your beliefs and powers of reasoning
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Great Thinkers A-Z (Continuum, 2004)
edited with Jeremy Stangroom
100 profiles of the greatest philosophers
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What Philosophers Think (Continuum, 2003)
with Jeremy Stangroom
Interviews with some of world's leading philosophers
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The Philosopher's Toolkit (Blackwell, 2002)
with Peter S Fosl
A Compendium of Philosophical Concepts and Methods
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New British Philosophy: The Interviews (Routledge, 2002)
with Jeremy Stangroom
Interviews with the emerging generation of British philosophers.
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